Pineapple on Pizza: Love it or Leave it?

While strolling through Luxembourg today, I came across a sign outside a pizza restaurant. It left me wondering, did it bring in customers or drive them away? .

Ah, the age-old debate of whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza. It's a question that has divided households, sparked heated arguments, and even caused friendships to crumble. So, without further ado, let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of putting pineapple on pizza, shall we?

PRO: It's a tropical twist

Adding pineapple to pizza is like adding a little slice of the tropics to your meal. It's like taking a culinary vacation without ever leaving your kitchen. Who wouldn't want a taste of Hawaii on their plate?

CON: It's a flavour clash

Some people argue that the sweetness of the pineapple clashes with the savoury flavours of the pizza toppings. It's like having a sweet dessert while also trying to enjoy a savoury steak dinner. It just doesn't work for everyone.

PRO: It's a conversation starter

If you're looking to break the ice at a party or make new friends, simply order a pineapple pizza. It's a controversial choice that's sure to spark some lively discussion. Plus, it's a great way to weed out the non-pineapple lovers in your life.

CON: It's a texture issue

For some people, the texture of pineapple on pizza is just plain weird. It's like biting into a juicy, tropical fruit and expecting it to be savoury and chewy like a pizza topping. It can be a bit jarring for those who aren't used to it.

PRO: It's a delicious topping

Let's face it: pineapple is just plain delicious. It adds a sweet and tangy flavour to your pizza that can't be replicated by any other topping. Plus, it's a great way to get in your daily dose of vitamin C.

CON: It's a pizza purist's nightmare

For those who believe that pizza should only be topped with traditional toppings like pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms, pineapple on pizza is an abomination. It's like putting ice cream on a hot dog or dipping your sushi in yoghurt. It just shouldn't be done.

So, there you have it: the pros and cons of putting pineapple on pizza. Whether you're a die-hard pineapple lover or a pizza purist, one thing is for sure: this debate isn't going away anytime soon. But hey, at least we can all agree on one thing: pizza is always delicious, no matter what toppings you choose.

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