New Camera for the street - here’s why.

Travelling as we do, means recording lots of images and video’s. We have a number of tools to do that each with their own strengths and weaknesses. These include action cameras requiring high stabilisation , vlogging cameras for both on the move and camera’s for static face to face input. There is no one camera that does it all however. The work horse for still photography is the Nikon Z7ii Mirrorless camera , chosen as a lightweight option over heavier DSLR’s, for carrying to locations for landscapes , seascapes , wildlife , aviation shoots etc etc. It’s a great option in many scenarios but in the towns and cities where we want to capture the social commentary of a place, it is still a bit too big and intrusive in many cases. We wanted to capture the people and their imprint , with their permission where possible of course. Why you might ask , a good question , it became apparent to us that the images were were taking , whilst worthwhile, did not tell the whole story of the cultural difference which makes one place different to another. The difference between a Catalonian Village and one in Galicia, is a story of geography, history and architecture but the nuance of humanity can not be left out if the picture is to told fully. The new camera a Fuji Z100V enables us to more discrete on the streets and able to capture some of the images that best describe the people.

There is a link here that will show you more images of this type of Photography.

The Fujifilm Z100V is small, unassuming, lightweight, but packs powers with the XF23mm F2 lens which is a great focal length – a classic documentary field of view of 35mm in full-frame terms, perfect for us in travel and street photography. The full information on this camera is one this link

As we approach our next tour the great urban cities of Northern Europe we are looking forward to using it very much.

Safe travels Helen and Martin.

Helen and Martin's Travel Photography

We travel and photograph what we see, exploring the UK and Europe in our Knaus Motorhomeuncovering the rich history and cultural stories that lie hidden around every corner. Armed with our trusty Leica Q3 , Fujifilm, GoPro, Sony, and other gear, we capture stunning visuals of our adventures. For more information about our travels and social media links and image banks click on the links above.

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