Dealing with negativity on line.

The wisdom from the Stoic philosophers of ancient times echoes through the years on this subject, and nothing I have learned while working in a conflict management environment for 30 plus years surpasses the core message that we do not control the opinions of others and never will. The opinions of others are often fickle and irrational, as they can be based on discriminatory emotions or lack the complete information picture necessary for meaningful commentary.

There is no doubt that operating a social media channel, whether it's YouTube or any other social media platform, comes with the experience of receiving rude, belligerent, or hostile comments. However, it's important to note that these categories do not include a respectful difference of opinion, being corrected, or receiving constructive feedback. The ability to give feedback is a gift, but we do not control the intellectual capacity or the general level of sophistication of the commentator or the veracity of their opinions.

So, a degree of resilience and discernment in how we define the acceptability threshold is necessary. If we are seeking validation and encouragement, it may not always come, and holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

As Marcus Aurelius wisely said, "Tranquility comes when you stop caring about what other people say and think and care only about what you say and think." In other words, focus on your own game and on what you can control.

When it comes to YouTube productions, the key element is to concentrate on the strategy for your channel. If you are content with the rationale for your work, that is all that matters. Validation and vilification are both surplus to requirements if you truly want to enjoy what you do.

We all have limited bandwidth, so it's essential not to waste energy on things that don't matter. The opinions of people you don't know and will never meet can be a distraction and are generally insignificant.

So, my advice is as follows:

1. Set a level of acceptability – we set ours at rudeness and above.

2. Do not reply to any comments that fall below this standard.

3. Remove them from the video comments and do not dwell on them again. (Avoid sharing such comments with others as it only spreads negativity.)

By all means, learn, develop, and experience the YouTube platform, but do it on your own terms.

Helen and Martin's Travel Photography

We travel and photograph what we see, exploring the UK and Europe in our Knaus Motorhomeuncovering the rich history and cultural stories that lie hidden around every corner. Armed with our trusty Leica Q3 , Fujifilm, GoPro, Sony, and other gear, we capture stunning visuals of our adventures. For more information about our travels and social media links and image banks click on the links above.

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Pondering the Psychology of Campers