Navigating the Road Ahead: The Impacts of ETIAS on European Motorhome and Caravan Travel

In this article, we are going to examine the new immigration system proposed within the Schengen Zone. It is known as ETIAS - The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), and it is currently scheduled to begin in 2024, although no specific commencement date has been set. However, there is discussion of a lead-in time, so it is reasonable to assume a commencement date from the middle of 2024 onwards unless there is a formal postponement.

You may have heard of this new scheme, as it has been in the works for a couple of years. In fact, it has experienced a few deferments or false starts due to IT issues, expansions to the Schengen Zone Area, and, of course, some bureaucracy and administration.

Before we delve into the practicalities , lets define what were are talking about in order to prevent some misunderstanding.

The Schengen Zone and the European Union (EU) are two separate but closely related entities in Europe that involve different aspects of cooperation among member countries.

1. **Schengen Zone:**

The Schengen Zone is a group of European countries that have abolished passport and other types of border control at their mutual borders. This means that once you enter one Schengen country, you can generally travel freely within the entire Schengen Area without undergoing further border checks. The Schengen Agreement aims to facilitate the movement of people, goods, services, and capital within this area. It allows for greater ease of travel and trade.

However, it's important to note that not all EU countries are part of the Schengen Zone, and not all Schengen countries are part of the EU. Some non-EU countries, like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, are part of the Schengen Area due to separate agreements.

2. **European Union (EU):**

The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 European countries that have chosen to work closely together on a wide range of issues, including economic cooperation, trade, regulations, and foreign policy. The EU has its own institutions, such as the European Commission and the European Parliament, that create and enforce laws that are binding on its member states. The UK of course is not a member of the EU or Schengen 

3. **What is ETIAS?**

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) is a new entry requirement that aims to enhance security and streamline border control within the Schengen Area, which comprises 26 European countries. Starting from 2024, citizens of approved visa-exempt countries, including the United States, Canada, the UK and many others, will be required to obtain an ETIAS authorisation before traveling to these Schengen countries. The process involves an online application, which screens travellers against various databases to assess potential security risks.

ETIAS is not a visa. ETIAS is a visa waiver pre-screening program for all travellers under the EU visa-free program.

Schengen Visa applications will not be effected by the ETIAS System 

Once operational, It can be accessed by an on line application system , which it's said to cost €7 per person and take between 10 to 20 minutes to complete on an official EU website address. An ETIAS is expected to be valid for 3 years. 


Applicants will need a passport from a qualifying nation, for which the UK is, have a valid credit card to pay the proposed €7 fee and then answer specific questions. These questions are connected to identification of the applicant , their travel history , health and criminal record history. For full details this link will take you the official inform page.

Possible outcomes

In the main, a positive answer will be available within the 10 - 20 minute time window. If follow up questions are required this process could take up to 30 days. In the rare event that someone is declined a visa waiver, then the full Visa Application process remains an option.

So why is this being implemented. ?

Will it work ?

There is no easy answer when it comes to immigration , the question is will it help. The balance between allowing free movement of genuine travellers through border controls whilst frustrating organised crime , terrorism and human trafficking remains the conundrum faced by officials .

Officials believe - 

  1. It will save time and hassle for the traveller - it might but we have used the US equivalent ETSA system many times it doesn't stop queues at Border Control , but Visa Waiver Programmes are a gift we receive, they are still an easier process than full VISA application. 

  2. Improve Border management - This will depend on IT systems working well. It is to be linked to the European Entry and Exit System located at each point of entry/exit in the Zone as well linked to essential databases for checks to be completed. If it works well , initial glitches are to be expected, we should expect an efficient system.

  3. Prevent irregular migration - this is questionable as every country in the world is finding migration borders are complex issues -  most migrants don't and won’t apply , but it might make deportation and detection swifter.

  4. Reinforce the fight against crime and terrorism. I'm a little sceptical but wish them luck. This kind of activity finds another route when their established one is closed.

The best we can hope for it for a smooth implementation , good contingencies for when it fails and a sensible implementation plan.

What it won’t effect

This system will not effect the 90/180 Zone time limits, or things like the new requirements for Animal Health Certificates or restrictions on food imports. It purely a pre approval for entry of people to the Zone , all other protocols remain.

There is a video here that I made on this subject.

I hope you have found these resources helpful. We are not experts in this subject and seek only to signpost you to the issues and would always advise you read the official advice pages.

Here are the links that are important in this subject .

ETIAS Requirements -

Schengen Visa News -

I hope you have found these resources helpful. Safe travels and best wishes Helen and Martin .

Safe travels and best wishes Helen and Martin .

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